Requirements (Ontario Regulation 565)
Re-opening after any closure that lasts more than four (4) weeks:
At least 14 days before the re-opening of a public pool (including, but not limited to, a public cold plunge pool, public floatation pool), spa, or Class C facility (e.g. public floatation tank, wading pool, splash pad, receiving basin) after any closure that lasts for more than four weeks, the owner or operator shall notify in writing the Medical Officer of Health or a public health inspector for the health unit where the pool is located,
- of the date that the public pool, spa, or Class C facility is to be re-opened;
- of the name and address of the operator; and
- in the case of a pool, whether the pool is intended to be operated as a Class A or a Class B pool.
After construction or alteration:
At least 14 days before a public pool (including a public cold plunge pool, public floatation pool), spa, or Class C facility (e.g. public floatation tank, wading pool, splash pad, receiving basin) is put into use after construction or alteration, the owner or the owner’s agent shall notify, in writing, the Medical Officer of Health or a public health inspector for the health unit where the public pool is located,
(a) of the building permit number issued for the construction or alteration of the public pool, spa, or Class C facility
(b) whether or not all the preparations necessary to operate the public pool, spa, or Class C facility in accordance with this Regulation have been completed;
(c) of the date that the public pool, spa, or Class C facility is intended to be opened or re-opened for use;
(d) of the name and address of the operator; and
(e) in the case of a pool, whether the pool is intended to be operated as a Class A or a Class B pool.
A person who proposes to open or re-open a public pool, spa, or Class C facility after construction or alteration shall not open or re-open the public pool without first obtaining permission in writing from the Medical Officer of Health or a public health inspector for the health unit where the public pool is located.