Resources for Basic Needs and Community Connection
211 Ontario offers 24/7 information and referral to government, health, and community services. Go to the website to search or chat, call or text 211, or email
Emergency Housing
Cornerstone Community Association (located in Oshawa) provides emergency housing supports to men, single fathers with children, and families who are facing homelessness. Also offers service to men fleeing an abusive situation. Call 905-433-0254 or visit the website for more information.
Muslim Welfare Home (located in Whitby) provides emergency housing for women and women with children who are facing homelessness. Call 1-866-666-1115 or visit the website for more information.
Joanne’s House Youth Shelter (located in Ajax) provides emergency housing for youth aged 16-24 facing homelessness. Call 905-239-9477 or visit the website for more information.
The following Emergency Shelters for Victims of Violence provide emergency housing (and various other resources/supports) to women with or without children who are fleeing an abusive situation:
Outreach Centres and Support Hubs
Homeless Support Hubs provide street outreach to people experiencing homelessness. Multiple services in one location, including income and employment support, housing outreach, health services, and mental health assistance:
North House Service Hubs provide access to a range of services in a single location, including domestic violence support, employment services, mental health and addiction support, housing assistance, Ontario Works/ Ontario Disability Support Program, senior support. Locations in Port Perry, Uxbridge, Beaverton, and Cannington. For more information call 705-432-8654 (Brock) or 289-640-1929 (Uxbridge/Scugog) or visit the website.
Income and Employment Resources
Ontario Works (OW) provides financial assistance to individuals and families while they work towards obtaining employment.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) provides financial assistance and health-related benefits to people with disabilities.
Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre provides supports related to seeking employment, including specialized services Newcomers/Immigrant professionals. Offices located in Oshawa (905-579-1821) and Pickering (905-420-4010). Call or visit the website for more information.
Resources for Those with Low Income
The Region of Durham’s website contains a list of Resources for those Living with Low Income. Includes information about topics including social housing, housing outreach, eviction prevention, utility/rent arrears resources, legal supports, food supports, disability tax credits/benefits, low-cost internet, low-cost/subsidized recreation, and childcare fee assistance.
The following food banks are located in Durham Region. Call or visit each website for hours of operation:
North Durham:
The Farley Foundation provides financial support for veterinary treatment costs for eligible pet owners. For more information, visit the website or speak to your veterinarian (applications are submitted by the care provider).
Durham Region’s libraries offer public access to computers, free wi-fi, phone charging stations. Many locations also offer activities for children and families. Call or visit the website for details and hours of operation:
Recreation Programs and Services
The following municipalities offer a range of recreational activities and programs for children, youth, and adults of all ages:
Resources for Older Adults
Whitby 55+ Recreation offers virtual and phone in programs. Also offers a list of Resources for Adults 55+ (Whitby) . For more information, call 905-668-1424 or visit the website.
Pickering 55+ Adults offers programs, events and services for adults 55+. Includes free weekly programs by telephone. Also offers a Resource Guide for Adults 55+ (Pickering). For more information call 905-420-4660 ext. 1079 or visit the website.
Oshawa Senior Community Centres (OSCC) offers a range of social/recreational and support programs for older adults at five locations. In-person and online programs are available. The full activity guide is available at OSCC Activity Guide. For more information, call 905-576-6712 or visit the website.
Pregnancy/Parenting Supports
Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham provides various types of support for pregnant women and children up to age four. Includes emergency assistance with items like diapers, wipes, baby food, formula and pregnancy tests. For more information call 905-720-3252 (Oshawa) or 905-619-9878 (Ajax), or visit the website.
Rose Of Durham Young Parent Support provides various resources to young parents and their children including parenting programs, counselling, high school program, life skills, social drop-in programs, and donation room services. For more information call (905) 432-3622 or visit the website.
Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program is a home visiting program that provides support to families with young children. For more information call 905-668-2020 or 1-800-841-2729, or visit the website.
Food 4 Thought is a weekly drop-in program for pregnant women under 26 years of age facing challenging life situations. Support, information and free groceries are provided. For more information call 905-428-8111 ext. 222 or visit the website.
Resources for Newcomers
The Durham Immigration Portal contains a wide range of updated information for immigrants and other newcomers related to moving to and living in Durham Region.
Welcome Centre Immigrant Services provides a range of services and resources to newcomers, including settlement support, language classes, employment supports, and assistance connecting with other community organizations. For more information call 289-482-1037 (Ajax) or 905-420-3008 (Pickering), or visit the website.
Other Community Resources
Connex Ontario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling by connecting them with services in their area. Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit the website for more information.
John Howard Society offers various supports and resources including anger management and parenting programs, counselling, ID replacement, housing advocacy and support, computers for housing and employment searches, harm reduction tools, supports to those involved with the legal system, and access to the Ontario Electricity Support Program. Locations in Whitby, Oshawa, and Bowmanville. For more information call 905-579-8482 or visit the website.
Durham Community Legal Clinic provides free legal services for low-income residents in the areas of tenant rights, Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Canada Pension Plan Disability, Ontario Works (OW), Human Rights Law, Employment Law, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Small Claims Court, Consumer Law, Senior Law, and Domestic Violence Legal Aid Advice Referrals. For more information call 905-728-7321 or visit the website.
Durham Community Health Centre provides a range of free programs for adults, youth, children, and families to support mental and physical health and wellness. Services include primary health care, diabetes management, individual and group counselling, food programs, and social groups. Includes specific programming for Indigenous people. For more information call 1-877-227-3217 or visit the website.
Community Care Durham provides services for individuals 16+ including mental health support groups, transportation services, meals on wheels, adult day programs, assisted living, PSW services, foot care clinics, exercise and falls prevention, Community Food Box, and social programming. For more information call 905-668-6223 or 1-888-255-6680, or visit the website.